Quality Sleep

Benefits of a good night sleep are that the body can only restore and repair when we are asleep. We can survive as human beings on very little food and water. When we are sleep deprived it has a negative impact on our mind, body and spirit. This was why during the Second World War… Read More


  The more joyful sex you have the better you feel in every way   Sex is a great immune system stimulator so whilst you are giving and receiving pleasure and enjoying sex you are actually taking good care of yourself and ensuring you fight off infections too. According to Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a… Read More

peaceful sanctuary

I have prepared some simple tips on how to help you stay positive and maintain a strong immune system during this challenging period. 1) Take a walk in nature or at the local park If possible, try to talk a walk daily, but avoid crowded places. Movement helps improve blood circulation; the sun will help… Read More

Keep Calm Christmas Bauble

10 Commandments for reducing stress over Christmas 1. Smell sweet orange or mandarin essential oil. Give yourself instant joy. 2. Go to bed before midnight. Your body and mind will rest and recuperate. 3. Let go of expectations. Just enjoy the moment 4. Exercise and feel those delicious endorphins. 5. Eat healthy, meals – yes… Read More


Annie first recommended reflexology to me, as a way to help with general anxiety and stress caused by a long term serious health condition, which also causes widespread, severe pain. I am a long term advocate of complementary therapies, but strangely had never tried reflexology. I have a knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so could… Read More

Relaxing Christmas Tips

Here are some tips to help you remain stress free in the run-up to Christmas! However busy you are, take a 10-minute walk, preferably in nature This could be during your lunch hour. Take a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral. Particularly make sure you are getting enough vitamin D3. Low levels of vitamin D3 have been… Read More

Her Majesty's Prison

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is being able to deliver relaxation therapies to certain groups of people who need it most. In my 19 years as a complementary therapist, I’ve found that one of those groups of people is prison officers, and I feel very blessed that I’m regularly invited into… Read More

1. You improve your concentration. We live in a hectic world these days. Our concentration is often incredibly split between work, home, electronics, and other stimuli. When you sit down and focus on one thing, like coloring, it improves your ability to focus elsewhere. 2. You unleash your inner creativity. Coloring inside or outside the… Read More

green health

We should all get out and enjoy the natural world, a walk in the woods is good for mind and body Many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from trees. Aspirin comes from willow bark; yews are the source of Taxol, used in the treatment of some cancers; ginkgo biloba improves circulation; tea tree oil is… Read More