Water pitcher

Our bodies are composed of over 70% water so it is important that we are replacing water lost through respiration, urination, digestion, and perspiration with good quality water. A visual reminder is if you considered your body to be a Ferrari -a real supercharged, gorgeous, high-energy vehicle would you really put inferior fuel inside it?… Read More

Quality Sleep

Benefits of a good night sleep are that the body can only restore and repair when we are asleep. We can survive as human beings on very little food and water. When we are sleep deprived it has a negative impact on our mind, body and spirit. This was why during the Second World War… Read More

Hey Wonderful Heaven Scent Bliss family 👪 I just wanted to let you know that I am available to teach you luscious short courses on Reiki Egyptian Sekhem Indian head massage Reflexology Aromatherapy massage Kinesiology Hopi Ear Candling Crystal therapy Making & using essences Ionic detoxing Animal healing & communication Seashell healing Tree spirit healing… Read More


  The more joyful sex you have the better you feel in every way   Sex is a great immune system stimulator so whilst you are giving and receiving pleasure and enjoying sex you are actually taking good care of yourself and ensuring you fight off infections too. According to Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a… Read More


We all need vitamin D3 whatever our age and especially when we are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. We are particularly vulnerable to S A D during the winter months as we are unable to have as much sunlight as we need.. Our bodies obtain vitamin D3 which strictly speaking is a… Read More

peaceful sanctuary

I have prepared some simple tips on how to help you stay positive and maintain a strong immune system during this challenging period. 1) Take a walk in nature or at the local park If possible, try to talk a walk daily, but avoid crowded places. Movement helps improve blood circulation; the sun will help… Read More


According to official data 72% of women and 52% of men in the UK are failing to consume sufficient dietary magnesium. 25 years ago we could have eaten a portion of broccoli and a portion of spinach daily, which would have been sufficient for our magnesium requirements. However, because our soil quality is so poor… Read More

Keep Calm Christmas Bauble

10 Commandments for reducing stress over Christmas 1. Smell sweet orange or mandarin essential oil. Give yourself instant joy. 2. Go to bed before midnight. Your body and mind will rest and recuperate. 3. Let go of expectations. Just enjoy the moment 4. Exercise and feel those delicious endorphins. 5. Eat healthy, meals – yes… Read More

Tree Spirit Healing

Recently, I adopted a puppy. Taking him out on his walks every day, made me realise a startling fact. I don’t spend enough time outdoors in nature. I believe in our busy lives, a lot of us are guilty of the same thing. This morning, I took the pup out early, it was chilly, but… Read More


A visit to the beach. Does this conjure visions of an annual event, involving a car load of children/toys/bedding/provisions etc. Spending a week all confined into a small space. Too much alcohol being consumed and everyone returning home sunburned and grumpy? Or, like me, do you take time out for yourself to recharge and de-stress.… Read More

Orgasmic Health

Here is the ultimate resource produced by Annie for you to achieve the best health by following her guidelines. This book contains nearly two decades of clinical experience that she has found that help her clients get really healthy. Written in straightforward language to direct you in ways that are practical and do-able as you… Read More


Annie first recommended reflexology to me, as a way to help with general anxiety and stress caused by a long term serious health condition, which also causes widespread, severe pain. I am a long term advocate of complementary therapies, but strangely had never tried reflexology. I have a knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so could… Read More

Health Kinesiology

  So, this Kinesiology shizzle!? What’s that all about?   My journey…. Kinesiology is muscle testing. Dictionary definition; the study of the principle of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement. It is a simple, non invasive assessment tool, used by many health practitioners to assess different ailments, from a broad, general health status,… Read More

Raising Your Vibration

A number of us are guilty of not paying much attention to our vibrational frequency. Many people just aren’t aware of the affect it can have on our overall wellbeing. The science bit! Everything is made up, of a bunch of atoms, floating around in time and space, mostly surrounded by air. These atoms are… Read More

Rose essential oil

Rose essential oil has a multitude of properties to boost the mind, body and spirit. Here are 10 of the main benefits, showing what a great all-rounder it is: 1. Aphrodisiac Well, it is nearly Valentine’s Day and roses are associated with romance for a reason… the scent of rose essential oil has been proven… Read More

lose weight

Over-indulged at Christmas?  Try these tips to help you lose weight naturally. Take in most of your calories before noon. Studies show that the more you eat in the morning, the less you’ll eat in the evening Cut down on the carbohydrates by bulking up your meals with vegetables. Sniff peppermint oil. Peppermint oil can help control appetite… Read More


Relationship Success Blockers For a long time, Claire didn’t know why all her relationships failed. After two failed marriages and a few unsuccessful relationships in between, Claire came to me, desperate to understand where she was going wrong. I used kinesiology to determine what was blocking Claire’s success in the area of relationships. During the… Read More

Relaxing Christmas Tips

Here are some tips to help you remain stress free in the run-up to Christmas! However busy you are, take a 10-minute walk, preferably in nature This could be during your lunch hour. Take a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral. Particularly make sure you are getting enough vitamin D3. Low levels of vitamin D3 have been… Read More


When I went round to see Annie the other evening, I thought we’d be giving each other an Indian Head Massage – our usual Friday night energy swap. Little did I know I would come out initiated in the Egyptian art of Sekhem! I had a Sekhem treatment with Annie about a year ago, and… Read More

Her Majesty's Prison

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is being able to deliver relaxation therapies to certain groups of people who need it most. In my 19 years as a complementary therapist, I’ve found that one of those groups of people is prison officers, and I feel very blessed that I’m regularly invited into… Read More

3 Nesbitt Close

I’m very excited to announce that Heaven Scent Bliss will be at new premises from Saturday 30th September. The new address will be: 3 Nesbitt Close Stafford ST17 9TP The new place (a bungalow) has so many good features, the main ones being: 2 dedicated parking spaces for use by clients (you can see them… Read More


The Law of Attraction is based on the quantum physics phenomenon that our thoughts become our reality. Focus on the things we want and positive outcomes – and these are exactly what we will get. “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass” – Paul J… Read More


Like many of my other treatments at Heaven Scent Bliss, my seashell healing session starts with Annie asking me to set my intentions. In the last week my brain has been processing lots of hurt and anger, and I am emotionally wrung out. I’d like my whirling mind to be calm and peaceful once more… Read More


I’m cooking bacon and eggs for my lunch, and as the comforting aroma fills the kitchen, it seems more like a Sunday morning than a Wednesday afternoon. I’d normally grab a sandwich or have a salad at this time on a working day, so why the bacon and eggs? If I say I’ve just come… Read More

energetic protection

The reason for me writing this blog is that the majority of my patients are sensitive people who are badly affected by other people’s negativity and emotions. If we are absorbing others emotions and sometimes their symptoms it is very difficult for us to maintain perfect health. It is also quite difficult to know which… Read More


I have an important event coming up. It’s a day on which I need to feel confident, have my wits about me and most definitely NOT let my emotions take over. I go to see Annie at Heaven Scent Bliss. She’s promised me that a havening treatment will sort me out and I’m interested to… Read More

hopi ear candle

I used to know someone who swore by ear candles as a relaxation therapy. I couldn’t understand it at the time. I mean, why would you want to stick a lighted candle in your ear? Surely wax drips on your face? It turns out, they’re not really candles at all, but tubes made out of… Read More

I struggle with mindfulness. I’ve got the meditation apps and I’ve tried yoga, but I find it difficult to completely empty my mind. I start off with all good intentions and even do the deep breathing, but before I know it, I’m working through a knotty problem at work or wondering what to buy for… Read More

crystal pyramid

It’s true to say I’ve been a little frazzled recently, so a crystal therapy session with Annie at Heaven Scent Bliss sounds very appealing. Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system, which treats the body and mind with the precise placement of crystals on and around the body. Since this holistic treatment is concerned with… Read More

Here are some of the conditions that have been shown through research to benefit from a balanced increase of water Angina – caused by water shortage in the heart and Lung axis. Arthritis-caused by dehydration in the joint cavities Asthma-caused by drought management programmes in the body Autoimmune diseases Back pain caused by water shortage… Read More

From January 2015 until the weekend of September 18th I was planning and preparing to leave a relationship of many decades that sadly was neither loving nor respectful. I was aided in my escape by many friends who offered their love support and practical assistance which enabled me to escape safely to a new home… Read More

When your darkest cloud looms and you cant see the silver lining Just remember in the distance is the sun and when it feels like the worlds turning to the beat of a different drum Just remember to keep smiling and remember the best is yet to come Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely… Read More

Whatever you vividly imagine Ardently Desire Sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass Paul J Myers Success is doing the best you can do in as many ways as you can It is being honest just and true Always look forward and never look back Whatever it is that you seek… Read More

The Old Church, a beautiful deconsecrated church in Gailey, Staffordshire, is home to Magenta Circle.  Magenta Circle is a forum for people who are interested in metaphysical subjects such as Sacred Geometry, the Knights Templar and The Holy Grail, and it hosts speakers from all over the country. Built on the Rodbaston Estate in 1849… Read More

How about a quick and simple glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt? This simple drink can boost your morning health and wellness regimen — and it’s so easy to make. There are a number of professional athletes and Olympians who start their morning with lemon and salt water, which may say something about… Read More

An Angelic Afternoon By Rachel Robb I’ve always liked the idea that we might have a guardian angel hovering over us, ready to pull us out of the path of a speeding car, or to guide our decision-making by whispering in our ear: “Go for the sticky bun…someone’s sneezed on the carrot cake” – that… Read More

1. You improve your concentration. We live in a hectic world these days. Our concentration is often incredibly split between work, home, electronics, and other stimuli. When you sit down and focus on one thing, like coloring, it improves your ability to focus elsewhere. 2. You unleash your inner creativity. Coloring inside or outside the… Read More

10 Reasons Why We All Should Be Eating Ginger Ginger is a well loved, tried and tested, flavoursome spice that has been revered for a myriad of health benefitsthroughout the aeons. It is mentioned in ancients texts and has been prized by many different cultures as long as mankind can remember. Ginger is zingy and warming,… Read More

Whilst forgiveness may be instant in some cases, it can certainly involve stages, rather like grief. Trying to forgive through a wall of anger, for example, is unlikely to work. You may need to process feelings, give yourself space and time for healing and reflection, perhaps look at a possible bigger picture for deeper understanding, and asking for divine support… Read More

logo_Heaven Scent Bliss

I have been a therapist for several years. As a Holistic Therapist I utilise my skills and experience to develop a totally unique programme tailored to each individual patient. My business journey started in 1998 when I won a contract to work for Children In Need and Comic Relief as a Children’s Worker at a… Read More


When I arrive at Heaven Scent Bliss for my ‘Time Out’ Aromatherapy Massage, the back door is wide open, and no amount of knocking brings any sign of life. I return to my car to give Annie a ring. Maybe I just can’t make her hear me. At that moment, Annie’s Vauxhall Corsa pulls into… Read More

Health Kinesiology

When Annie explained that Health Kinesiology improves well-being by muscle testing, I thought I’d be lifting weights; a scary thought for someone who struggles to lift a full kettle! But I needn’t have worried, because, to my relief, the muscle testing has nothing to do with strength at all. The Heaven Scent Bliss treatment room… Read More

Ionic Detox

Two weeks after vowing to treat myself to some complementary therapies with Annie Day, I arrive back at Heaven Scent Bliss eagerly anticipating my Ionic Detox Foot Spa. My treatment happens to coincide with Annie’s 60th birthday. “But surely you shouldn’t be working on your special day?” I say. “Why not?” Annie giggles. And why… Read More


I have always been interested in complementary therapy. There is something almost magical about the idea of boosting your energy-flow with Reiki or aligning your chakras (whatever they are) with crystal healing. But if you are anything like me, you might be wondering how it all works and what exactly is involved. And so it… Read More


Some people love beautiful clothes, others like expensive wine. Me? – Well, my passion’s a bit barking. You see I love trees. Yew, birch, oak …. you name them, i adore them. It all started when I was four years old and my grandfather built me a tree house in his back garden. I spent… Read More

I have been a complementary therapist since 1999 and is still as passionate and energetic as I was at the start of my career. Unfortunately many of my fellow students and colleagues are no longer in practise and the reason for this is that they did not learn to protect themselves from others energies. When… Read More

Erectile Dysfunction

I’m starting an MSc in September 2009, in Sexual and Spiritual Health and any input from other Kinesiologists would be most welcome. I have been getting clients presenting with: migraines, headaches, high blood pressure, digestive complaints and skeletal problems over the last 3 years on a fairly regular basis. After their initial session it has… Read More

hand reflexology

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the whole of the body is represented on the soles and tops of the feet. Therefore, a reflexologist massaging the feet can massage the entire body. Massage helps to boost circulation, improve lymphatic drainage and aids relaxation. This same complementary therapy can be carried out on the hands. Annie Day,… Read More

green health

We should all get out and enjoy the natural world, a walk in the woods is good for mind and body Many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from trees. Aspirin comes from willow bark; yews are the source of Taxol, used in the treatment of some cancers; ginkgo biloba improves circulation; tea tree oil is… Read More