We all need vitamin D3 whatever our age and especially when we are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. We are particularly vulnerable to S A D during the winter months as we are unable to have as much sunlight as we need.. Our bodies obtain vitamin D3 which strictly speaking is a steroid hormone from two sources are diets from the action of sunlight on our skin which drives the natural production within the body. If we all had plenty of sunlight then we would have plenty of vitamins D, but we do need to obtain some from our diet, an excellent source are organic mushrooms. It is especially important that we take vitamin D3 during the winter months as the more elderly become the body’s ability to manufacture vitamin D3 declines with age.

It is said that as many as 60% of the UK population is vitamin d deficient with low levels being linked to serious health problems in later life. It is not surprising when one considers the facts that it is involved in the expression of more than 1000 genes. So, whilst it is renowned for its vital role in the maintenance of normal bone health, in reality it actually acts on every cell in every organ of the body and has extremely far reaching effects on human health.

Vitamin D3 is essential for healthy bones, as well as tea, and is also thought to be important for a healthy immune system. As I mentioned earlier during the darkest months we need more of this essential vitamin. The one I would recommend and take myself is made by Nutri advanced and it is vitamin D3 with K2 another important vitamin in maintaining a healthy immune system and contributing to overall health and well-being.

If you would like any further information on maintaining your physical emotional psychological health then please do give me a call on (07869) 123065 or contact me on annie@heavenscentbliss.co.uk

My website also has a contact form so please do let me know if I can help you to reach optimum health, surpassed your goals and to show up consistently as the best version of yourself.

Love and sparkling blessings Annie xxx

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