Tree Spirit Healing Recently, I adopted a puppy. Taking him out on his walks every day, made me realise a startling fact. I don’t spend enough time outdoors in nature. I believe in our busy lives, a lot of us are guilty of the same thing. This morning, I took the pup out early, it was chilly, but… Read More
Beach Healing Magic A visit to the beach. Does this conjure visions of an annual event, involving a car load of children/toys/bedding/provisions etc. Spending a week all confined into a small space. Too much alcohol being consumed and everyone returning home sunburned and grumpy? Or, like me, do you take time out for yourself to recharge and de-stress.… Read More
Reflexology for Anxiety and Stress Annie first recommended reflexology to me, as a way to help with general anxiety and stress caused by a long term serious health condition, which also causes widespread, severe pain. I am a long term advocate of complementary therapies, but strangely had never tried reflexology. I have a knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so could… Read More
What is Kineseology? So, this Kinesiology shizzle!? What’s that all about? My journey…. Kinesiology is muscle testing. Dictionary definition; the study of the principle of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement. It is a simple, non invasive assessment tool, used by many health practitioners to assess different ailments, from a broad, general health status,… Read More